Lenten Bible Study 2022

For 2022, our Farmingville UCC Congregation embarked on a Lenten Adventure. Five engaging, one-hour sessions were held each Friday between March 5 – April 1, 2022, where attendees explored their faith and deepened their connection to Jesus through a variety of engaging, spirited activities.

This was the perfect time to light our faith and spur us into action…Thank you to all who joined us!

Format: Our Lenten Bible Studies were held in-person and via Zoom to accommodate our membership needs.

This event has concluded. We look forward to seeing you at a future event. May God bless you on your faith journey.

Reflection of Session #5:

April 1, 2022

Coming soon!

Reflection of Sessions 3 & 4:

March 23, 2022

God wants us to seek his Light

like flowers seek the sun.

God wants us

to drink of the Living Water

and refill our spiritual well.

like flowers drink clouds’ rain.

God wants us to absorb the Good News,

like flower roots absorb the earth’s nutrients.

As we plant seeds of flowers this Spring,

we can also plant seeds of spiritual habits.

With care,

both our flowers and our faith will grow and bloom.

We planted marigold and lavender as a symbol
of our faith journey.

Reflection of Session #2:

March 11, 2022

Lent is a wonderful season to strengthen your connection to God. Jesus loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. At our second Lenten Bible Study session, we talked about water and its vital role in our lives and all creatures on Earth. Just as we must pay attention to our body’s need for fresh water daily, so too, must we seek the Living Water.

What is the Living Water?

Jesus’s teachings are the Living Water. He tells us that all who choose to drink of the Living Water will be filled with spiritual health. What does spiritual health look and feel like? When we seek God’s word and strive consistently to follow his teachings, we can diminish our fears, distrust, impatience, and frustrations. Ultimately, we can rid of these non-productive emotions altogether. At the same time, we start to cultivate our best life, filled with purpose, peace and positivity. Jesus does not promise us a life without hardships. Yet, when we choose to seek Jesus and commune with God, we gain the amazing knowledge that we are never alone, even on our darkest of days. We also know that God is good, and that good ALWAYS wins in the end.

Your call to action for this second week of Lent:

Hydrate your spiritual life.

*read the bible or a daily devotion

*keep a faith journal

*reflect on God’s words

*pray or meditate to help you connect to God

*count your blessings

*care for yourself

*care for God’s creatures

*be kind to others

*take nature walks

*spend quiet time with God

*strive to love others, no matter what!

Remember, God made each person unique, and as such, your faith journey is unique. God loves you and is always with you. When you live faithfully, Jesus has promised that you will receive a multitude of blessings. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

We each chose inspirational stickers to place on our individual water bottles. Each time we use our water bottles, we are reminded of our need for spiritual well-being, too.

Reflection of Session #1:

March 4, 2022

Lent is a wonderful season to strengthen your connection to God. Jesus loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. At our first Lenten Bible Study session, we talked about how busy our lives are and how hard it is to find the time to relax long enough to focus on God. Any good habit takes time and effort to create.

Just as we can make eating healthy foods and making memories with our loved ones a priority, we can choose to carve out a special time each day for Jesus.

Your call to action on this first full week of Lent:

Spend a few minutes each day to have a conversation with God.

Unsure where to start?

Determine a quiet , comfy space and time in your daily life, when you can be free of interruptions or distractions for 5-10 minutes.

Have your Bible or a book of inspirational bible quotes handy, if you like. You may choose to keep a Faith Journal, if you like to draw or write.

In a faith journal, you may include–inspirational bible quotes–daily reflections–questions for God–prayers–anything you want to include as a personal record of your faith journey.

God made each person unique, and as such, your faith journey is unique. What matters isn’t how, when, or where you communicate with God,. God loves you and is always with you. God would love to have a conversation with you. Believe that, and give it a try. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

To receive the Zoom link for the Lenten Adventure sessions, sign up by emailing cuccf@optimum.net. Put Lenten Adventure as your subject heading.

The ZOOM link will be emailed to you the Thursday prior to each Friday session. We welcome you to our gatherings!

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